Monday, December 6, 2010

Progress Shots

Making a crazy heel on this one...
Color + cut
Trying something different with the boot laces and locks.

Some more sketches

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My next pair

I am starting on my next pair of shoes. Drew out some ideas and started to moc my selection up :-).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kia Ankle Boots...finished!!

So I will take some dope pictures to show off my first attempt at custom heels...but for now here are a few shots taken. I have worked really hard to make a convincing attempt at being a designer. Once I get this physical portfolio to go with my drawings maybe I can make something happen. Until then...I will have fun with it.

More to come!

So what does this picture have to do with shoes? Well I don't know how it will turn out but I look forward to seeing a mash up of Legos and another pair of heels I am working on.

L.A.M.B. Gais Ankle Boot

I am feeling these ankle boots. I kinda am tight because I feel like they stole one of my design ideas I drew a while ago. The white is bold and probably only something someone who is ready to stand out will wear...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"One small step for man..."

Now I know what you all (the 3 people who read my blog) are thinking. Whats with the new space background? Well I wanted this little hobby/blog of mine to represent how I am feeling in 2010. Space is such an interesting place to me. Somewhere I will probably never go...and yet the pure fact of it being so massive and unknown is why we are linked together. Space to me is my future in a way. I don't know what the future holds but the keys to it rattle in my head everyday. I have this cautious optimism just pushing me forward every day. And so a year removed college right now I am in lift off mode. 3...2....1.....(corny lead in FTW)
